Sunday, January 20, 2013


Joanne compiled a list of memories about Maggie, in no particular order!


Mags, Maggie girl, Magster, buddy, my sweet girl, bug a boo, love bug, the best dog ever, the most beautiful dog in the world!

Indy 500
Laying on top of the picnic table
Going nuts-o on car rides
Always happy to go into the vets office and visit ( briefly) despite all the ordeals she had at the vets
Everyone knowing Maggie at the vets office. She was famous!
Laying at the top of the steps
Laying under the curtains by the side sliders
Barreling through the house and flying out of the sliders without touching a step!
Laying under the dining room table
Only having manners when food was around when we ate in the dining room. Never in the living room!
Knowing when it was time to place a takeout order even before we did!
Barking and nudging at the laundry room door for treats or a toy. Usually treats!
If outside you told her "let's go in and get a treat" and then you forgot inside, she'd remind you!
She'd also let you know when it was 5:00 and time for dinner.
She was timid of new situations.
Not a fan of most dogs but Chief and Rusty were her buddies.
Loved to have her teeth brushed. Always entertaining when mom and dad visited on a Sunday. Quality time between jo and mags.
Joanne taught her to "shake", " high five", catch the ball in her mouth, and to go through the doggie door--although Mary Ann thinks she taught her the latter!
Playing find the carrot was always fun --although she sometimes wanted hints!
Liked doggie bagels and to bury them outside.
Would dig outside when we went away.
Loved vanilla knuckle bones. LOVED Frosty Paws--two of the only things she'd be possessive of and snarl at us for.
LOVED presents! She always thought they were for her and was always ready to help unwrap them, with her teeth or by pouncing on them.
Definitely was a hound dog. Chased anything in the yard, ground hogs, squirrels, rabbits, etc.
When taking rides and saw horses, always barked. Somehow she didn't realize they were 20x larger than her.
On a couple occasions, brought us a mouse or baby rabbit as a present.:(
Hated to have her nails cut or to have a bath. Would resign herself but go nuts after the bath with the pent up frustration. And then find the first opportunity to roll in something smelly.
Worshiped Darren. Would look out the dining room window when he left until he got back. Somehow she didn't realize mommy rescued her twice!
We adopted her from the Animal Rescue League of Berks County the day after we got back from London (3/30/2001). Darren had been focused on getting a dog for sometime. I wasn't convinced. But I resigned myself to getting one--I blame it on the jet lag. As soon as I saw maggie, I said "how about this one". She was quiet and leaning against the side of her crate, so cute. Her soulful eyes reached out to me. We took her for a walk and thought there was something wrong with her because she was walking funny. The fact is the grass was wet and she hated (throughout her life) getting her feet wet! She and I bonded in a room back in the shelter when Darren went to find out more about her. We then heard another family was back to visit her for a second time so we were under pressure and made the plunge! I never regretted it. She was such a gift in our lives.

Hated the rain or ever getting wet. After being out in the rain or having a bath she'd "dry" herself off by dragging her fur across the back of the sofa and rubbing her head against the sofa.

Loved taking walks on the road, the golf course, the trail, the elementary school, or where ever!

Knew what it meant and loved helping take out the trash (Darren always got some barks as soon as he started taking the lid off the trash can) and getting the mail.

Loved being with us outside. And inside, loved being petted, hugged and having her belly rubbed. In her younger days (before the surgeries) she'd roll completely over on her back with her long legs dangling in the air. Whenever she did, she'd sneeze! She didn't mind sneezing but was always very concerned when one of us did and would come over to us to check on us.

Loved her many beds in the house. Had her daily routine of where she'd lay down and take a nap and when.

She was about 6 months when we got her and 60 pounds. I thought, the perfect size even if she got a bit bigger. She ended up being 105-110 pounds! All muscle!

She definitely had a mind of her own. She wouldn't do something unless she wanted to. She was good at "putting on the breaks". A key example is her failing out of obedience school!

She liked giving kisses--especially ears or on the mouth!

A great guard dog. All smiles though once she met someone.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Favorite toy off all time...

We bought about 8 of these balls becasue she loved them.  The sweker would only lose three weeks or so...But she loved these balls...

On the deck...

Maggie would love to lay on the deck.  Moving from the shade to the sun...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Opening gifts...

Maggie loved Christmas and opening presents...She would pounce on any wrapping paper and push her way into the action when presents come out.  We didn't help the situation any because we would wrap up treats and let her attack the gift and wrapping....

Sitting in the sun...

Maggie loved to hang out by the windows with the drapes over her...

Vet Page Link....

In Memorian link on our Vet's home page....Oct 2012 / Third pet in the slider.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


$50 on March 30, 2000 from the Berks County Rescue League.